Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Mag Minders, Original Handgun Hangers, Over-Under Handgun Hangers, Back-Over Handgun Hangers
"Wow those shipped fast! I was able to pull my safe out of the closet and spend the weekend getting it organized. What a difference it made! I was able to fit so much more in there than before. I got ALL my long guns over to just one side, which freed up the right side for a ton of ammo, camera gear, hard drives, knives, etc. I feel like I got another safe! It was a fun project, and was quite satisfying being able to reclaim all that unused space in my safe."
ARs Only Gun Safe using Rifle Rods
Carey Had No Problem Migrating to a Smaller Safe
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
"As you requested, I'm sending some before and after pictures of the safe. I recently moved to a much smaller place and traded my huge Liberty Safes 52 gun safe for a Dakota safe that can be disassembled for transport. I'm very happy with the Dakota, but in it's original configuration, it was too small for my needs. Originally there were 18 long guns in the safe including a few that were literally stacked on top of each other. I also had 12 handguns including a few laying loose on the upper shelf. It was a big mess and I still had valuable rifles hidden under the bed. Rifle Rods and Pistol Hangers changed everything. I now have 26 long guns neatly organized and easily accessible plus 10 pistols hanging from the shelf and a couple on top. As you can see, there is clearly enough room for at least six more rifles. Best of all, building the the little shelves/platforms gave me a lot of room to store my very expensive magazines and ammo in the safe and away from thieves and fire. The rifle rods work great. As long as they are far enough into the barrel (as stated in the instructions) they are very stable right up through my 38/55. Even my 45/70 is causing me no concern, but naturally it is not as stable as the 30 calibers. My only suggestion is that when the time is right, perhaps consider making a dedicated .22 caliber where the rod stays thin all the way to the top (I whittled three of mine down to accomplish this) and on the other end of the spectrum, make a Shotgun Rod that has a 12 or 20 guage size bubble or ball molded into it. Nothing left in the barrel that way, as you said the other day.. Thanks for a great product and thank you for the pistol hanger you through in, as well! Feel free to use any of the pictures you like if you think they can help make your product a success. It has really, really helped me solve some problems and it is WAY less money than buying another safe!"
Brian's Beautified Gun Safe...
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
"Hi folks, got your gun rods for Christmas and was very pleased! Had four guns that I could not get into my they fit and have room for several more!"
Adam's Optimized Gun Safe...
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
“I've seen your product advertised for a couple of years and was skeptical. But this fall I was able to see it at a Wildlife Expo and realized it was actually a great concept so I added it to my Christmas list. After everyone left tonight I emptied my safe and started the install. It might have taken 20 minutes to install and place 20 guns back in the safe while recording serial numbers. This is a must have for anyone with a safe! I didn't gain a ton of free space, could probably add 4 more guns. But I was able to put my over and under back in its case and put the case in the safe with room to spare. Plus none of my scopes are touching. Great job, thanks so much.”
Art's Upgraded Gun Safe...
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
"Hi folks, attached are two pics of before and after inside my Champion 24 gun safe. Storing 24 guns in it with the factory racks would be quite a feat. As you can see the before pic uses the factory racks, and while I could certainly do a better job arranging my 14 long guns, there wasn't a ton of space left after wiggling the rifles with large optics in. With your rifle rods (and a few handgun hangers) I was able to arrange my 14 long guns much more efficiently, giving me space to add some of my shelves back in (which I modified to leave 2/3 of the space for rifles). I'm very impressed with the functionality of the Rifle Rods, they allow me to neatly arrange them with room for at least 4 or 5 more with 1/3 of the safe left for other valuables. Great job designing such a useful set of products considering how valuable safe real estate is. I've sent these pics to a couple buddies and my father-in-law who is an avid collector and is out of safe space in a 68 gun Browning. I have no doubt he'll be reclaiming some of that space with Rifle Rods when he sees these pics."
How Many Guns?
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
Pretty Slick
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
"Pretty slick system-why-because it's simple, easy and makes sense. I am in sales an always see something like this and go-crap why did I not think of that!!! Looks like my safe has gone from overcrowded housing to room for more!! Now can my wallet afford to fill the space? LOL!!
I know this is not safe full of 50 rifles, but it worked super for me on what I figure is a bread and butter application!"
Bob Got Organized
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
"I can see now that I still have room for 2-3 more long guns. You have a great product and will purchase more as the need arises. Many thanks"
Glenn's Got the Handguns!
Customer is utilizing Over-Under Handgun Hangers, Mag Mounts
"128 handguns in it, all in GSS [Gun Storage Solutions] Handgun Hangers!" -Glenn
Closet Space
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
"Here is the before picture (Left) of the closet where gun supplies and hunting accessories were stored. The guns were stored in a small homemade gun cabinet and closets around the house. Here is the after photo(Right). As you can see all guns are now in one easily accessible location with plenty of storage for other items. With this innovative new product we are now able to store 26 long guns in a closet that measures 34" x 22" with room for more and still have shelving for all the extras. Installation was a breeze. Thank you."
Before and After Pictures
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
"I was a little skeptical when buying this to be honest but I'm glad I did because I love it. Being able to position stuff wherever you want instead of the dumb slots that come with gun safes is great!"
Now Showing... More Guns!
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
"I had roughly 40 long guns before and filled the safe. I believe that I now have room for another dozen or so. With the handgun hangers I was able to clear up all the shelf space for other things. I was very satisfied with both the rifle rods and handgun hangers. The instructions are clear and installation simple."
Off to the Gun Show!
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Over-Under Handgun Hangers
"I love your all your products especially the rifle rod kit, my wife not so much. Just when she thought I was done buying guns because I didn’t have room for another safe. I went from a crowded thirteen gun area to a neat and easy access twenty four gun in the same space. Off to the gun show I go!"
More Guns Please
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
"First off, let me say I do not own, work for or have any association with the company.I'm just excited that I now have more space in my safe to buy more guns.As a friend said, "This is a universal Condition:Nice collection, but you need more guns". I had gotten to the point where I couldn't buy any more long guns, and didn't have enough room to put another safe in (with out making the wife pissed).I had pretty much jammed my safe with my collection, important papers and my knife collection, but ran out of space. I'm also pretty anal about my safe being a mess.
"My buddy had let me know about and about their rifle rods, and I immediately wanted to try it. I quickly ordered 20 rifles rods and 10 handgun hangers from Kevin, the owner.He was great to deal with and everything arrived three days later as promised.The package comes with a large strip of velcro which you attach to the underside of the top shelf.The directs say tacks or staples and glue, but I highly recommend using 1/4 inch long nails and glue to secure the velcro.Each rod is 16" long and made from plastic (and will not hurt your barrel)and fits down the barrel.The top of the rod has a flat plastic disk with the hook side of velcro.This attaches neatly to the bottom of the shelf.For short .22s or SBRs, Kevin also has a handy shelf that is about 4 or 5 inches that fits under the top shelf and drops the point to where you can attach the rifle rods to the velcro.Of course it also helps dropping your top shelf as well.The handgun hangers just slip nicely over your top shelf and the guns slide nicely onto the mini rod.I put shelves in my safe for the time being but now have room for a few more long guns and more pistols.In the future I'll probably make the shelves narrower, or take them out, so I can put even more long guns into my collection.
"All in all, well worth the money and highly recommended for the order and space it brings to my safe.Just my .02 for those having the same issues I was having..."
Grab a Pepsi
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
Paul's Got a Lot of Long Guns
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Before and After Photos
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Fun Fact: Notice how these Rifle Rods are white? They were some of our first Rifle Rods ever sold. This was our FIRST customer before and after picture!
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods and Original Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods and Original Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods and Original Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods and Original Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods, Original Handgun Hangers and Over-Under Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods and Original Handgun Hangers
Customer is utilizing Rifle Rods
Above: This beautiful, customized gun room is utilizing Horizontal Gun Cradles & Slatwall Snipers.
David bought Horizontal Gun Cradles - 10 pack: Remarkable difference
Really made a difference without all the unnecessary hook hanging out from the slat wall. Very low profile as I wanted. Blends in very well making the riffle seem they are floating on the wall. Very happy. Made my vault room so clean and organized.
Above: This gun room is featuring Horizontal Gun Cradles.
Product worked great. I have always wanted to turn my storm shelter into a gun vault. Luckily I married a great woman who allowed me to do it!! I have reinforced concrete all the way around the room and I framed the room and then put pegboard throughout. Now I can display my collection in style. The room is 29ft long and 7 ft wide so I cant get all of my guns on the wall but I am reworking it currently. Luckily I bought enough hangers for now. Will be needing more soon once I get the ammo shelves built so I can display the pistols! Totally stoked, you have a customer for life!!
CI Shooting
Bloomington, IL
C.I Shooting Sports is utilizing Kikstands and Horizontal Gun Cradles in their gun shop and shooting range.
Fehner & Son Grain Co.
Gonzales, TX
Fehner & Son is utilizing Kikstands to display their pistols and Scope Stands to display their optics. Both products are using Snaps and Oval Cards to give information on their inventory.
Scottsdale Gun Club
Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale Gun Club is utilizing our Back Kiks and Kikstands to display their handguns in their gun shop.
Healy Arms
Tempe, AZ
Healy Arms is using our Kikstands to display the handguns within their gun counter and Horizontal Gun Cradles to hang their long guns from the slatwall.
Aegis Tactical
Bradenton, FL
Aegis Tactical is using Back Kiks in their gun showcase. They incorporated our Gun Display Price Tag System as well. We only offer a plain white oval Price Tag, but we are happy to help with a custom branded look for you. Get in touch with us to learn more.
I think the quality of products is excellent. Communications via email concerning the order and shipping was impeccable.
American Pawn & Gun
Right 2 Arm Firearms
Hamilton, OH