Gun Safe Light Kit Video

Gun Safe Light Kit Video

Posted by Katie Stephey on May 06, 2021

Learn more about our Gun Safe Light Kit in our new installation video. In the video we discuss the different items included in the gun safe lighting kit, how it works and installation instructions. Stop blindly digging around in your gun safe. Light it up with our Gun Safe Light Kit so you can easily locate your firearms and ammo. You will be sure to enjoy the view!

Gun Storage Solutions goal is to upgrade your gun safe by increasing its capacity, making guns easier to access and creating a visually appealing display. We know gun safes can be dark and difficult to navigate without a good lighting system in place. The Gun Storage Solutions Light Kit will brighten that dark space, and shed light on your gun collection!

When thinking about lighting up your safe, take some time to analyze the interior look to see where and how the door hinges attached to the safe, and how they move.

Also, look around the inner door jamb and take note of the materials that you will encounter while installing the light kit.

The Gun Storage Solutions LED Gun Safe Light Kit contains an AC adapter, a battery pack, a manual on off switch. An infrared motion sensor and six 12 inch gel coated waterproof LED light strands. You can choose between two different types of backing on the light strands: 3M adhesive backing or hook and loop backing.

To begin the installation, you will first need to choose a power source, the AC adapter or the battery pack. Next, plug in either the manual on off switch, or the infrared motion sensor. If you're using the motion sensor, make sure that the act of opening the door triggers the lights on. If not, you may need to reposition it, so that the sensor has more visibility. The sensor will keep the light strands on for about two minutes after not sensing any new movement. Begin applying the strands around the inside frame of the door.

If the interior is fabric line. Do not trust the adhesive backing or hook fastener to stick for very long. You will do best to staple the strands to the sidewalls and ceiling with the staple gun It is best to straddle the strands with the staples.

If you have a larger safe, or just want to brighten the safe up even more. We offer additional light strands and light kit extension cords so you can light up even the darkest corners of your safe.

Now that you're finished, stand back and enjoy the view! We hope you enjoy the Gun Storage Solutions Light Kit! Check out our other Gun Safe Accessories for more products to make your gun safe, more efficient.

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