Are Monkeys Running Your Gun Counter
Sep 13, 2017
GSS started out making accessories for gun safes to store guns more efficiently. We traveled around to gun shows to get feedback and make sales. In talking with customers we noticed a new market we hadn't thought of... Gun Shop displays! Gun shop owners would watch our gun safe demos and say "I wish you had something to help with my gun counter, like you have for safes." Isn't this how all products start? With that "I wish.." statement.
Why did these gun shop owners want something like this? A huge reason was because no matter how many times the owner or manager would straighten up the gun counter, a busy day of employees shuffling guns around does not sustain an organized counter. Our Kikstand product line helps these guys so much. We remember one passer-by at the SHOT Show saying - "I need Kikstands! I have a bunch of monkeys working for me!" Thus the name for our little promotion - MONKEYPROOF! Our Gun Display Products will help monkey-proof your gun counter.
For the month of September 2017, get 10% off when you spend $100+ on anything on our store using the coupon code: MONKEYPROOF .
Receive 20% off if you become a dealer of our Gun Safe Accessory line during September.